Tips for Dealing with Your DUI Lawyer

Dealing with a drunk driving charge is stressful, and working with DUI lawyers doesn’t make the situation easier. It is important to understand the situation you are in when working with a DUI lawyer so you can have a simple time in court. Here are some tips to help you keep your DUI proceedings flowing smoothly.

Be open with your lawyer.

Your DUI lawyer is going to ask questions, a lot of them. Be prepared to be open and complete about the facts of your case. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but your lawyer will need all of the information so they can give the best legal advice possible. You will want to hire a lawyer you are at least somewhat comfortable around so that you can be as open as you need to be.

Ask about payment upfront.

DUI lawyers are doing the job to be paid. Some hidden fees may be worked in by unscrupulous lawyers, so ask about expected payments and rates right off the bat. A lawyer who is willing to discuss everything about their expected payments can be trusted more than others, so ask everything you can think of to ask.

Know their previous experience.

A DUI lawyer works with the complex world of law and needs more experience because of that. Your lawyer should be familiar with codes and statutes applying to drunk driving in your state. Be sure to find out their previous experience in both law and specifically with DUI cases before hiring them.

Be compliant in the case.

A drunk driving legal case begins long before you are even considering a DUI lawyer, and your actions can dictate what the lawyer is capable of achieving. For instance, if your drunk driving case is brought about by an interaction at a driving checkpoint where you had refused to use a breath analyzer then your refusal can be used as evidence against you.

If you had agreed to the analyzer and been found with an illegal BAC then your lawyer would be able to focus in on reducing your punishment without struggling against your refusal. Be compliant with state regulations and questions asked of you throughout the entire process, it will help your lawyer do their job.

Let your lawyer work.

A legal case can be difficult to work through. Your DUI lawyer will want room to work within the case. When working with your lawyer, give all the information you can give but be sure to give them room to work. They are more familiar with the law and what can be done within the law so you will want to leave the case to them once you have hired them.

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